Saturday, 28 February 2015

Production Post from Garage band, where we were creating music

Myself and Lindsey were working in creating music for our opening title sequence. We done a soundtrack for the beginning of our title sequence where the music gradually gets louder. We also added foley sounds like the school library sound, bangs and running sounds to improve our opening title sequence.
- Seren Esmanoglu 

Me and Jakub began editing whilst Seren and Lindsey went ahead making the soundtrack. After they created the Foley sounds, i was quite pleased with what they had come up with. I was also pleased and satisfied with the Soundtrack of our opening title scene
-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

Production: Mondays Setback and Wednesdays Last Minute Filming (Reflection 28/02/2015)

On Monday the 23rd of February we had an Inset Day so we had no access to college. This mean we could not film or do the final editing. This was a set back as we were pressed for time as the deadline s fast approaching. However on Wednesday Me and My group arranged to meet outside the college to film one of our final scenes. All went well and we filmed what was needed. It did take a considerable amount of time as our camera setting were fit to operate in the current lighting. The room we were filming in was quite dark and so the camera didn't pick up the action in the scene
and so we couldn't film the final scenes as we had to return the equipment that was borrowed by 4:30.We plan to film on Thursday in order to meet the deadline and produce a decent well-cut film.

-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

Production:Editing and Sound (Reflection 26/02/2015)

Today we were planning to film our last scene that we need in order to put our film together. However it was raining so filming did not take place. This was a real setback as the deadline for our film is Friday 6th and we as a group feel as if we are pressed for time.Although all did not fail as on Thursdays lesson we achieved alot. We added the remaining clips we had gone out to film on Wednesday to our rough cut and we created the Foley sounds we needed in Garage band that we needed and also assembled a soundtrack in place. Whilst Seren worked on the titles Lindsey assembled the soundtrack whilst me and Jakub went ahead with editing.Between us there were dissensions on how each scene should be cut but eventually we both were in agreement and resolved the issue with the idea of adding voiceovers.Next week we plan to add the finishing touches including voice over work,tweaking the contrast/lighting of our film and to film our final scene.
-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Production:Film Poster Idea?

Film Poster

Recently ive been watching a lot of films. The likes of which include,Looper,Cloud atlas and Upside Down. Whilst only Looper and Cloud Atlas are both psychological thrillers like my groups film, what interests me about these three films are the movie posters of each.

If we were to create a poster i would like to to resemble the poster of these three films. All of which contain an abstract image of the central character with a mysterious distortion to it. I feel the poster itself tells a picture to what the film is going to be about so when creating a poster for our film i cite all 3 of these posters as inspiration.

Production: Absence from Filiming -Production Diary

I was absent from the second filming session because I had a doctors appointment. Although i wasn't scheduled to be in the scene i still feel as if i have missed out on the opportunity to visualize the chosen location. My group went to Broxbourne to film the dream scene. Watching the clips back during post production it was very exciting for me as it gave me an insight on what i had missed out on .By watching the clips I can honestly say I'm glad we chose Broxbourne for our location! The lighting was perfect and the background with the dark trees and shadows proved be a very effective setting!

Although i missed out on this incredible opportunity,I'm glad i have been present for other aspects of filming.

-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

Post Production : A Potential Sound Track !!!

Potential Soundtrack
Recently I watched the film ' The Grey'. I really enjoyed but what captivated me most was the soundtrack. After watching the film I listened to the soundtrack and thought that our film suits the soundtrack! I completely fell in love with it!.Its a very deep and slow and enticing soundtrack which has themes of despair,promises, hope and dreams which are the four elements of our film! Despair equating to Ezhnos longing for his crush Abby, Promise and hope relating to the fact that he hopes to live a perfect life through his dreams and lastly the dream element being Ezhnos ability to live through his dreams.

If we were ever to create a trailer this would be the soundtrack to go with it!!

-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

Production:Reflection on the First Day on 'Set' 26th of Jan

Dating back to Monday 26th of February, our first filming session took place. I recall we wanted to film the scenes that took place inside the sixth form college as we couldn't travel to our location as it was too far to commute during lesson.Our set was to be the entrance of the sixth form college ad from there we filmed the scene where Ezhno has a brief encounter with his crush Abby.

I wasn't included in the scene so I was an acting crew member and co-directed the scene. I monitored the acting and decided whether both actors delivered their lines strongly and whether it was worthy of being included in our title sequence.Also i done an odd amount of camera work. I filmed various over the shoulder shots of Ezhno.In hindsight instead of holding the camera with my bare hands i should have used a fig-rig to reduce the shaking of the camera.

It was a very lengthy process as there was so many laughs on set! Almost in every take there was giggling from the cast(Jakub and Lindsey) and the crew(Me and Seren)! There was many extertnal factors which caused this, such as the wind which kept blowing our props around  and also Jakub and Lindsey forgetting their lines and also since we were filming outside in a public area people kept walking around our 'set'.

After watching the footage back i can see this instability of the camera due to me holding it and the effect it gives off is not a good one. With the constricted time we had added up with all the laughing we don't have a sufficient clip to use. Because of this together with a shaky camera it looks very tacky and unprofessional and because of this, this scene needs to be re-filmed with a fig-rig and seriousness.

-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

Blog Task 28 - Find 3 real media texts that influence you. Post screen grabs/embed clips with some explanations of how you might use them.

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad world 
I like how this title sequence is really unique in its animatics. Everything seems to be made specifically for this and in a way to represent the nature of the film. Despite the title credits being in fairly typical font, they're displayed throughout the title sequence interestingly, slanted at different angles and being displayed all over the screen, possibly to highlight the 'mad' aspect of the film, told in the title. I would really like to make my film unique like this and make sure that even the title credits are relevant and interesting, something that isn't always the case in most films.

Mean Girls

I like the way in which the title credits are mostly on a moving image - so the title sequence is playing and the title credits are appearing on top of it. I find it interesting and it creates nice visuals, I'd like to incorporate this within my film.
Throughout the title sequence, the font is consistent yet the colour of the credits change and that is another thing I'd like to incorporate, except with a more suitable range of colours that are relevant to my film.

Napoleon Dynamite
Napoleon Dynamite features all of its title credits in some unique way - several of plates of food but also written on pencils and rubbers and so on. I think that this is extremely interesting and creative and something that I might like to try within my film's title sequence so that the whole film remains something the audience can be captivated by from the beginning, rather than boring title credits that may reflect badly upon the film.

Blog Task 29 - Sound Design/Foley Sounds

List of Foley sounds we may include in our film:
  • Footsteps 
  • Heavy breathing
  • Car Horn
  • Cars going by
  • Paper folding 
  • Falling
  • Door slamming/shutting
The reasons we may use some of these is due to the initial sound not being loud enough, so we may have to recreate these or find replicas in GarageBand to emphasise the sound so that it's clear and adds effect to the scenes. 

Blog Task 22 - Initial Ideas

Possible ideas:

Our first idea was to create a high school drama from a young boy's perspective. It would focus upon a life-changing transformation from 'unpopular nerdy boy' to 'good-looking popular kid'. The nerdy boy aspires to become a model and so he becomes obsessed with the popular model girl of the school, imagining himself in her place; being followed by admirers, featuring in high school photo shoots and generally being noticed and attractive. Over time, this boy would decide to make the change and this would set in motion a massive make-over that would change his life forever and possibly help him reach fulfil his wildest dreams.

We didn't decide upon this idea as our final one due to the cliché feel to it - it's a typical plot for a high school movie, despite the less common male main character. We also brainstormed ways of doing this and locations but we couldn't find the ideal place to film, as we felt our sixth form college didn't have the right look for this - the look of a typical high school - and it would look tacky and out of place.

Final idea:

Our final idea for our title sequence/film reminds me somewhat of Inception, in terms of the protagonist living within his dreams for the majority of the time. He is also able to read minds and this gives the film a mysterious feel to it and makes it more of a thriller. It is a hybrid - including aspects of both a high school drama (being filmed within a high school and featuring stereotypical social groups) and a youth drama (the protagonist being male and the main focus being dreams, rather than life within a high school). 

Blog Task 41 - Blogging Health Check 2 Feedback

"Hi Lindsey,

Bit disappointed with your blog currently. You only have 25 posts - really you should have about 40 or so by now. I also note that there's NO post-filming diary work. You need to blog about what you've been doing, add some photos, and discuss your individual role. You need to follow this with posts showing how looking at your footage has changed any future planning.

Please start with this process asap.
25 blogs - 11 - D

The feedback that I've received for this second blogging health check has reminded me that it's quite easy to get carried away with planning and filming and forget to blog. This term I've spent the majority of my time focusing on the group project (the title sequence) however now half term has come, I've taken the time to focus on and get up to date with my blog posts so that I'm back on track. It's taken me quite a bit of time to complete these posts and I'm still in the process of finishing a few more however I'm on the right track again and have begun working on blogs for the third health check.

Blog Task 43 - Production Reflection, filming 12/02/15

Thursday 12th of February was our second day of editing - in this time, we managed to create our first rough cut for our title sequence and by the end of the lesson, we uploaded this on to the blog. One thing that we didn't have enough time for though was adding sound to this rough cut, which we hope to do in the second rough cut on the 28th February.

During the week we'll also have to arrange a day outside of lesson to film interviews, as well as do some additional editing so ensure that everything runs smoothly and our title sequence is at the best possible standard of work we can produce.

Blog Task 43 - Production Reflection, filming 9/02/15

Monday 9th February was our first day of editing. We didn't get much done in this time but we did watch all of the clips that we had filmed and narrowed them down to those that we would keep, those that we wouldn't, and those that were just bloopers. This process of elimination took us just over an hour and for the remainder of the lesson, we tried to piece all of these clips together in editing.

This is when we realised that our bathroom scene was in 720p and the rest of them in 1080p, so we noticed an obvious difference in quality between the scenes, causing us to make the decision to re-film these after the half term. We also found that we took too many short, single shots for our scenes which meant that when putting them together, the outcome was jumpy and unprofessional.

Another issue is that some of our clips were on a memory card that we didn't have with us on the day, so we didn't have all of the clips to include in our rough cut and so we had less to do within the time we were given.

Blog Task 43 - Production Reflection, filming 05/02/15

Thursday 5th February was our fourth filming day, in which we filmed Ezhno (Jakub) and Azazel (Ogo) meeting in the hallway. This is just after Ezhno storms away from Abby, as she sees the scar on his wrist. Ezhno makes his way to the college bathroom and his sister, Azazel, stops him in his tracks and they engage in brief conversation. Azazel asks if his obvious bad mood is to do with their family and so on.

We filmed a variety of different takes for this scene to make sure that we got it right. Seren acted as our stunt performer during short breaks, walking along the hallway and positioning herself in the right places to make sure that Ogo and Jakub knew where to stand at specific times within the scene. Once they were positioned correctly, whilst I was filming, Seren would direct the two of them and inform them of improvements that they could make, which were evident in re-takes. 

I think that in this scene, the costume choice stands out and is accurate and representative of each character. Azazel (Ogo) is dressed as a tom-boy, wearing a jumper, jeans and trainers. Ezhno (Jakub) is wearing the same clothes as he was in previous scenes so that it doesn't look like we've filmed this over a period of time and so that our end product (title sequence) flows well and looks realistic. 

Blog Task 43 - Production Reflection, filming 29/01/15

Thursday 29th January was our second filming day. This is when we filmed Ezhno (Jakub) running to the bathroom after his encounter with Abby (me) and just after he bumps into Azazel (Ogo) in the hallway of the college. He walks into the bathroom and stares into the mirror, this is when he is transformed back into the dream world/his nightmare. I filmed this and made sure to incorporate many different shot types, for variety but also for effect so that we could see Ezhno opening the door and walking, him walking towards the mirror and him looking into the mirror from several angles.

One issue that we encountered is that this scene was filmed in 720p, whilst the rest of our scenes were filmed in 1080p and our choice was to either convert the rest of our scenes into 720p or re-film the bathroom scene of the day. We made the decision to re-film this scene after half term so that our title sequence would remain high quality and also to give us the chance to improve the bathroom scene and make it as good as possible.

Blog Task 43 - Production Reflection, filming 01/02/15

Our third day of filming was on the 1st of February, where we filmed in Broxbourne. The scenes that we filmed in Broxbourne are all due to appear within the dream scenes (throughout the title sequence). The main scene that we needed to film was where Ezhno (Jakub) runs through a dark alleyway away from a dark figure, within his nightmare. Walking through the alleyway in the early afternoon didn't give us the right effect as we needed the scene to be mysterious and intense, something we could only achieve in the dark.

Whilst waiting for time to pass and it to become dark enough outside for us to film this alleyway scene, we filmed the other parts of the dream scenes. The first one we filmed was where Serilda (Seren) stood amidst mud, leaves and branches, dressed all in black. We made sure that we shot this scene just as it was beginning to get dark, so that the sun wasn't too bright nor was it too dark to film - this gave us the perfect atmosphere and lighting for the scene, making it mysterious and building tension for the audience. Serilda blended in with the dark trees behind her which led her skin to look quite pale and ghostly, like something out of a nightmare, which went really well. She spoke one line: "you don't want your loved ones to die, do you brother?" which further emphasised both the dark nature of the film and her character. 

After this, we filmed Serilda slowly walking towards Ezhno and him running away from her in fear. I think this was something that we filmed successfully as we used a range of shots: over the shoulder, close up, and so on to help the audience understand what's going on, the relationship between the characters and the situation and also the facial expressions of these characters. This gave us a variety of shots and takes to choose from when it came to editing. We used a range of shots for the alleyway scene too for the same effect. 

Blog Task 43 - Production Reflection, filming 26/01/15

Monday 26th January was our first proper day of filming for Mirrordream. We stayed in college to film one of the first scenes of the title sequence; Ezhno (Jakub) and Abby (Lindsey/myself) filming at the front of the college. Ezhno walks into college and sees Abby sitting on the bench doing work, he walks over to her and sits down, casually conversing with her and asking her whether she's done the homework for the lesson. Ezhno reaches out for the paper Abby's holding and whilst doing so, she notices a scar on Ezhno's wrist, which leads him to leave abruptly.

Due to what's happening within the scene, it's understandable that it needed to be filmed within college for this to make sense. As a group, we decided that outside on the benches would be the best area to film this, due to the amount of people inside the college during the times we were able to film, ensuring that there would be no interruptions or mistakes whilst filming this scene.

My group and I set up the filming equipment outside and I went to sit down on the bench that would be used in the scene. There were many takes that we had to do to make sure that the camera angles and so on were right. For example: Seren had to take Jakub's place whilst filming so that he could set up the camera properly and he understood where to sit and what to do.

After watching the footage back in the process of editing, I think that we could've done it a little bit better. Some of the problems we encountered were: the fact that there was too much background noise so you were unable to hear our voices, it took longer than expected due to people walking in/out of college when we were filming, disrupting the shots and also Jakub and I laughing within some of the takes.

We're going to re-film this as soon as possible (after the half term) and try to avoid these things happening and hopefully act a little more professionally so that the message of our film is conveyed clearly. This is a vital scene for the film and so by re-filming, the overall outcome should be improved drastically.

Blog Task 37 - Brand your blog visually

To design my blog I went to the main overview on my group's blog. 
I clicked template and that's where I had the chance to choose one out of many different templates - some quite visual and others mainly text based, along with many different themes. 

After much contemplation, I eventually decided to use the template below: within the travel themed templates. I liked this template because the text backgrounds are transparent, which makes the blog quite interesting to look at. I thought that the background of this is in some ways representative of our film Mirrordream because it's relatively dark and has a grunge-like feel to it, something I quite often associate with drama, suspense and mystery, which is what our film's all about. 
I like that the text is yellow because it stands out. The main reason I picked this colour is because it stood out most on the blog, being the easiest to read over the dark background as opposed to colours like blue. I could've chosen white but I didn't want the blog to be too plain or for all of the text to be white as it could get quite boring. The way in which the yellow stands out on the page is similar to that of the dramatic aspects within our film - mystery and so on being present but shocking and dramatic aspects that stand out from the dark nature. 

Blog Task 26 - Extension Activity - Motion rough draft

Rough draft:

It was quite hard choosing a template to start off with when we began our rough draft in class but after some discussion, we mutually decided upon the one we've featured in the link above. We needed something simple yet effective, interesting and professional looking for our titles over a blanks screen, appearing at the beginning of the title sequence. I didn't want to choose one of the ones that were popular amongst everybody else because then it would be generic and not at all unique to my group, our film, and I. I like that the visuals are strong and the audience will focus simply on the title credits and remember them, as there's nothing too distracting/there isn't too much motion in the title sequence.

Blog Task 25 - In TimeToast, plan the order that your title credits will appear in

Blog Task 23 - Insitution/Companies likely to produce/distribute your film

The production company that we ended up using for our film Mirrordream is Hashview media. This is the production company formed by our group member Jakub Minkiewicz, we decided this would be the most suitable option.

Regarding distribution companies, we considered the companies that distributed films that we were inspired by when making our film - Marvel and StudioCanal. We eventually decided upon StudioCanal, who released the British Sci-Fi film Attack the Block:

Blog Task 19 - Summarise how to create sound tracks in Garageband

We were given a short tutorial on how to use Garageband to create soundtracks within lesson. It was helpful and taught us how to use Garageband for a series of different sounds; diegetic, non-diegetic and overall, soundtracks.
This will help us in the making of our title sequence because it will enhance it and gives us the chance to make the audience feel a certain way in certain scenes, for example: we could use diegetic sounds like breathing, footsteps and so on to further create an effect - adding footstep sounds to our 'alleyway' scene within editing will create tension and add to the atmosphere of the scene.
Non-diegetic sounds will also be useful, just to ensure that the scenes aren't boring and to accompany them with some sound, if necessary, for example if a character was just walking down the street alone, the music might convey their mood to reflect the rest of the scene.

When creating a new project in Garageband, you're given the option of several different instruments and such, a range of sounds and features that you may need to use when creating the mix that you'd like. 

By dragging the selected instrument/other onto the blank canvas, this is where your project begins. To extend the sound, just click on the bar that appears (where your sound has been placed) and drag it along until you're satisfied with the duration. To add additional sounds to create a layered mix, simply drag another instrument down below the initial sound in the canvas - or you may create a loop and select a specific sound, narrowed down specifically, an example of this would be: 'by instruments', 'guitar', 'acoustic guitar', and then select the specific sound within that category that you'd like to use. (This is shown in the top right of the image above)

Blog Task 18 - Summarise how to create titles in Motion

Motion is a software that we were taught how to use within media; it allows you to create animatic sequences, to do this you can choose one of two options: beginning your animatic sequence from scratch and creating the whole thing yourself, or by using one of the templates offered to you when you open up the software.

The template is a helpful basis for your animatics, giving you a rough animation but allowing you to change certain things about it to make it your own, such as colours and the text displayed. You can also edit templates in order to change the actual animation, if you decide that you'd like it to be different to that of the one you chose, but didn't want to start from scratch.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Planning: Blog tasks 31-32 - What Costumes will be worn

This is the link to my prezi powerpoint for the costumes:

Incase my Prezi does not work here are the screenshots of my presentation.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Planning: Blog Task 22 - Initial ideas

This is the link to my prezi powerpoint for this blog task:

Incase my prezi does not work these are the screen-shots.

Production: Blog Task 43 - Production Diary (Reflection) Editing Session 12/02/15

This was our second editing session, where we actually put together our first rough-cut edit of our opening title sequence and successfully uploaded it on to our blog, it is underneath the title Blog task 46 Rough cut 1. I think our first rough cut is good because we now have a foundation (base) to work on. The tasks we have to do now is to include our other scenes and importing non-diegetic sound, the soundtrack for our opening sequence, our voice overs e.g. when we talk in scenes you cant clearly hear what we're saying as well as adding special effect like slow motion. We was able to avoid some of the jumpy scenes when we were producing our rough-cut by using the effect and transitions e.g. fade in to and cross dissolve etc.
However we was meant to film scenes which were actually scheduled to be re-shot, these were the scenes which involved Jakubs character and Lindeys character where they first meet and talk outside the college. And the bathroom scene as we filmed it in two different formats 720p and 1080p. We couldn't do these scenes because Jakub was absent.
Our next editing session is on the 28/02/15, in this session we will produce our second rough cut as well as filing the extra scenes. During the week we will give our time to arrange a day where we meet up for extra filming and editing as well as doing interviews.

-Seren Esmanoglu

Production: Blog Task 43 - Production Diary (Reflection) Editing Session 09/02/15

This was our first editing session, and we did not get much done. We watched every single clip and organised them e.g. which ones we needed for our opening sequence and which ones we did not need (Bloopers). This was a long process, as it took us about an hour to narrow down the clips. We began the editing process however we had a problem, we saw that we had to re-film some scenes again as they weren't good enough in-comparison to other clips. As we took clips for two different cameras which meant that the quality of the scenes were different which, made our shots look unprofessional and not suitable for our opening sequence. During the editing process we found out that we had short single shots. Which meant that when it came to put the scenes together it looked unprofessional because of all the cuts which made it look jumpy. Because of these reasons we couldn't finish our first rough cut. I hoped to resolve this by producing and finishing a rough-cut by my Thursdays lesson.

This is the link to my flickr account where i uploaded my pictures from todays editing session:

- Seren Esmanoglu

Production: Blog Task 43 - Production Diary (Reflection) Filming Session 01/02/15

This was our second filming session, where we filmed on a Saturday where went to broxbourne to film the dream scenes. In Broxbourne we filmed inside a tunnel where Jakubs character was running away from a dark 'figure'. We had to wait until it was dark to take this scene, to have a dark and mysterious effect.
While we was waiting for it to be dark we filmed my scene where me and Jakub were having a conversation. I only had one line "You don't want your loved ones to die do you brother?" this line showed how my character was spooky and dangerous. We filmed this scene in broxbourne, in between trees where i stood and was surrounded by loads of tree branches and mud, this was really effective because i was blending in, as i wore all black and my hair was out. It was effective because i looked like a dark figure when we watched the scene back in college, which was successful as that was how we wanted to present that particular scene.We also filmed Jakubs character crying.
We filmed the scenes in many different shots e.g. mine and Jakubs scene where we took over the shoulder shots, as well as long shot, close ups and mid shots as it was important to have a variety of shots. We also filmed scenes many times to get it right as well as having a back up of each individual scene.
Our Location choice was very successful, as it was quiet and included particular features e.g. the tunnel which was suitable for our storyline and our idea. Our costume choice was also successful as we all wore clothes which suited our character e.g. i wore all black to resemble darkness and danger and Jakub wore the same clothes to show his character does not change even in the dream.

This is the link to my flickr account where i uploaded the pictures/videos i captured during this session:

- Seren Esmanoglu

Production: Blog Task 43 - Production Diary (Reflection) Filming Session 05/02/15

This was our third filming session where we filmed Ezhno (Jakub) and his adopted sister (Ogo) meeting in the hallway of the college, where they have a very brief conversation. We took this scene many times to get it right. I was a stunt performer, in the breaks of filming so we could get the accurate position of the characters as well as, having the camera in the right position so we don't have problems while editing. We filmed inside of our sixth form college.
However, after we finished filming we were told that we has a problem with our clips. Because, we used two different types of formats for different types of scenes, e.g. our bathroom scene was in the 720p when it was meant to be at 1080p, whereas all of our other clips were at 1080p. We resolved the situation by picking a day, to film the bathroom scene in the right format 1080p.
I think our costume choice was successful as Ogos character is a tom-boy and she wore a jumper with jeans and trainers which is tom-boy like, and Jakub wearing the same clothes in every filming session, to show that the character does not change and is always the same. I think our chosen location is good too because, straight after Ogos character and Jakubs charatcer talk the bathroom scene happens. 

This is the link to my flickr account where i uploaded all the pictures/videos i captured from todays session:

- Seren Esmanoglu

Production: Blog Task 43 - Production Diary (Reflection) Filming Session 26/01/15

First Filming Session 26/01/15

Monday was our first filming session. For this filming session we stayed in our sixth form college and filmed the scenes which were in college. We filmed Ezhno (Jakubs character) and Abby (Lindseys Character) meeting/talking in college about homework. We filmed this scene outside the college building where there were benches, we did this for two reasons, for the scene to be realistic and because, the canteen was busy and loud, which meant that we could of not done this scene properly.
We set up outside, we used a camera and a tripod. In this scene i helped to film and direct my group members on how they should act and when it was time to take the actual footage. I was also a stunt performer, for this scene. As we had to find the right angle to film as well as the right position for the camera. I was taking jakubs place while he was practicing/showing where he should be walking and how the camera should be positioned.
After watching the footage back i think we could of developed how the members of my group were acting, we are going to improve this by filming this scene again, to make it easier for us when we edit (as there is many scenes where they're are laughing/ there being a lot of noise in the background) as well as it improving our whole film.

The link to my flickr account where i uploaded all the pictures/videos i captured from todays session.

- Seren Esmanoglu

Planning: Blog task 33 - Rough Draft of Story board

Feedback: The feedback we got for our story-board was that we had to improve the drawings and include more text as well as, knowing where the credits are going to go. Our feedback also included to organise our shots and have them in the same order in the editing process.
-Seren Esmanoglu

Planning: Blog Task 37 - Brand your blog visually

Production: Photos from our editing session 9/02/15

This is the link to my flickr account:
This where i upload the pictures i take for evidence for what we do during our filming/editing time. 
As a group we was editing our shots and organising our scenes e.g. deleting the particular scenes which were not good. This was on our Monday session. This was the first time where we all watched the scenes we took together.
-Seren Esmanoglu

Our Monday session was not a productive session. We were ordered to produce a first rough cut based on the footage we had. We spent a long period of time going through all the clips seeing which ones we could use and coulnt use. Although this was necessary in order to make the porcess faster. It took a very long time and hindered us producing a 1st rough cut for our teacher.
-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Production/Planning: Shorlisting a list of font styles

Shorlisting a list of font styles
We are starting to create our titles and needed to shortlist styles in order to produce our titles for our film.

The picture on the left displays the list off font styles/designs we planned to used. We decided though not to used any of these as we felt they didn't represent the theme of our film . However I was very keen on the last style displayed as i think it represents the mystery of our film and sort of reflects a dazed/dreamy state though it is far to fancy an looks as if it could fit the title sequence of a high school drama, not a youth drama.

On the other hand we decided to choose the font style displayed below. It isn't too fancy and at the same time it isn't plain. We feel as if it represents the genre of our film and at the same time it looks professional. When title credits is played in motion it gives of a mysterious and liquid effect which we hope will gain the viewers attention. By it being an animated text in white writing on a blank screen its not too distracting for the viewers and so wont divert there attention away from the film.After this credit, the film will roll.

Production:Today's Successes and Shortcomings

Today (12/02/2015) was not as hectic as the 9th. Today we actually put together a rough cut edit of the our title sequence and successfully uploaded it onto the blog. I personally think our rough cut edit is very successful as now we have some sort of ground to work upon and remaining tasks include adding the extra clips,importing non-digetic sound and adding a sound track and special effects such as slow motion.However the downside of today production was that we didn't not film the scenes which were scheduled for reshoots which are the scenes with Ezhno and Lindsey and the Bathroom Dream scene due to the absence of one of our actors and the main camera used. Our next editing session is on  the 28th of Feb but we feel as if we need more time before then to get things done. During coming the week my group plan to arrange a meet up to see if we can squeeze extra editing/filming and fit in interviews with each other.

-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

Production: Rough cut 1

Blog Task 24 - Font Styles and Typeface

We didn't use any of the fonts/typefaces shown in the image above because they weren't suitable for the film that we've decided to do. They're all way too simple, and considering the fact that our title sequence is supposed to be dramatic and representative of a drama/thriller, we decided to continue looking. 

In the end, we chose this font for our title credits, it isn't too simple but it isn't too fancy either - it looks professional and is more suited to the genre of our film. The colour change is a subtle transition from grey to white just to make it more interesting and captivating for the audience. It's also a standalone title so that it's memorable and nothing distracts the viewer from the title and the most important credits, such as the production companies and so on. After this, the credits will come in when the moving image starts. 

Monday, 9 February 2015

Production;Editing and Maybe some more filming! (Refection 09/02/2015)

Today we reviewed every single clip we took and filtered which was needed and which was simply just a B-roll. It was a long process but after 1 hour we narrowed the clips down. We began the editing process but we encountered problem. We discovered we needed to re film some scenes as we felt as if they weren't perfect. The quality is from a different camera and of the scenes we took all of them seem unprofessional and are only suitable for bloopers. As a result of this we have to re shoot these scenes on Thursday. During the editing process we found that we had to many 'single shots' and not enough lengthy scenes itself. so when it came to producing a cut we found the scenes to appear unprofessional and because of the many cuts 'jumpy'. Because of these obstacles we didn't complete a first rough cut in time for our teacher Dan this Thursday.
I hope to solve these issues with my group on Thursday.

-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

Proudction: Blogging healthcheck!

My teachers over viewed my blog so far. This was their feedback

''Hi Ogo

You only have 21 blogs. This is much lower than I’d expect at this stage and I’m going to have to issue a CFC. Some of my other groups have 40+  at the moment. 
I also note that there’s NO post-filming diary work. You need to blog about what you’ve been doing, add some photos, and discuss your individual role. You need to follow this with posts showing how looking at your footage has changed any future planning. 

Please start with this process asap.

21 blogs – 10 - D


Self Reflection: I didn't realise i was falling behind because i had gotten so caught up with filming. Since this is my personal media text i began blogging again.From 21 simple blog posts i raised it to 40 within 3 days. It took alot of time but once i started i thoroughly enjoyed catching up and i am starting to document my filming experience in my blog posts regularly.

My teacher has overviewed my blog again. This was his feedback.

''Remarked on the 9th Feb - 40 blogs - B''

Blog Task 30 - Location Activity Pack

This is the alleyway in which the dream scene was filmed. This features Ezhno running away from a dark figure within his nightmare, the opening sequence of Mirrordream. We decided to film here because from the locations that we were aware of, his was most suitable for the scene we had in mind;  convenient location, good lighting and a colourful alleyway to contrast the dark aspects of the dream. 

This is a panorama that I took of the area in which we were filming. To the left, where Jakub and Seren are walking, is where Seren's character (Serilda) is seen within Ezhno's dream, asking him if he wishes for them to die. To the right is the alleyway in which we filmed the first section of the dream scene, where Jakub (Ezhno) is running away from an unknown figure in his nightmare. 

This is the area where Serilda is seen within Ezhno's dream, in more detail. You don't see this background within the scenes that we filmed but it's the view from the area we were standing and filming in - it's very effective as the murky water and plants behind add to the deserted environment, the effect would be different if it were filmed on a high road, for example. This, and the images above, are all in Broxbourne. 

As half of our title sequence is filmed in a high school, we decided to use our college (City and Islington college/sixth form) in those scenes - this is mainly because it was the most convenient location and gave us more time to film, also because we were able to find the right locations within our college that matched the ideas we had for our film; the benches outside for the scene where Ezhno walks up to Serilda, the corridor where Azazel confronted Ezhno and the bathroom where Ezhno walks in and is converted back into his dream, as he looks into the mirror.