Today we reviewed every single clip we took and filtered which was needed and which was simply just a B-roll. It was a long process but after 1 hour we narrowed the clips down. We began the editing process but we encountered problem. We discovered we needed to re film some scenes as we felt as if they weren't perfect. The quality is from a different camera and of the scenes we took all of them seem unprofessional and are only suitable for bloopers. As a result of this we have to re shoot these scenes on Thursday. During the editing process we found that we had to many 'single shots' and not enough lengthy scenes itself. so when it came to producing a cut we found the scenes to appear unprofessional and because of the many cuts 'jumpy'. Because of these obstacles we didn't complete a first rough cut in time for our teacher Dan this Thursday.
I hope to solve these issues with my group on Thursday.
-Ogochukwu Anokwuru
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