Sunday, 14 December 2014

Research: Blog Task 13 - Sub-genre conventions

Sub-Genre conventions - Macro of Youth Drama & High School Drama

  • Semantic: the way the films look = Micro
  • Syntactic: the stories the films tell = Macro
The Macro aspects of a film include who produces it, cast, audiences for the film, plot lines, characters and general ideas about the order or way in which, the story is told. Teen movies share common plots, story lines and characters.

The main plot of teen films is seen to be the concept of coming of age in some way.
How this concept is told will depend on the sub-genre but is likely to focus on any aspect of the following as a way to represent coming age:
  • youthfulness of central characters 
  • Conflict within relationships 
  • Conflict with an older generation
  • Management of adolescence by families, schools, law etc
  • Romance 
  • Sexuality and sexually active
The two sub-genres of Teen Film will have different ways of representing the coming of age theme, the ways in which the story unfolds through the narrative and the characters or social groups we see.

High School Drama
  • Mainly girl dominated, but focuses on one male lead
  • Mainly focuses on makeovers, conflict, jealousy and changes in different groups e.g. Popular groups vs the nerdy group.
  • The use of socialisation of both young adults and teens in a characters house or college, school.
  • They usually have fun and party
An example of a High School Drama:

what is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?

- A contrast between the popular (pretty girl) and the alternative girl.
- May revolve around the stereotypical girl (pretty girl)
- The boy new to the school learning new things, Viewing from his perspective.

in what order is the storyline introduced?

- The school life is introduced
- As well as the main characters

what characters are introduced?

- The 'alternative girl' is shown first
- The headteacher + the 'new' boy
- The trouble maker (the new boy and him clashing together)
- The student guide
- The 'pretty girl' introduced

what social groups are represented?

- Smart people, it girl, semi-political people, sporty people 

Youth Drama
  • Focuses on the difficulties of the teens/adolescent experience 
  • Characters are usually more aggressive, more conflict and more rebellious
  • Focuses on social/economic dilemmas
An example of a Youth Drama:

what is the key plot idea introduced in title sequence?

- Difficult lifestyle, council houses
- The life of a teenage girl, her struggles and independence a trouble maker.

in what order is the storyline introduced?

- Main character getting in trouble 
- Conflict/arguments

what characters are introduced? 

- Main girl character
- A group of girls dancing to a group of boys
- A man, (owner of the horse) 

what social groups are represented?

- Competition between the girls (who dance)
- A 'bad girl' contrast 

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