Camera,Editing,Mise En Scene-Youth Drama Kidulthood
In class we were assigned different title sequences to analyse. I was assigned to analyse Kidulthood a popular youth drama about teenagers living in London. behaving in a lawless and destructive manner were given worksheets to record everything we saw. I wanted to use a different form of ICT to record my work so i created a a summary PowerPoint Presentation on it.
Extra notes.
Camera. The camera pans at the beginning from each main character to the next. This is done to show which characters are relevant to the story that the movie is telling. Also the movement of the camera moves in a way as such that the camera is like a CCTV camera looking for trouble which is ironic considering the theme of the film.The movement of the camera is shaky giving the impression that this isnt a serious scene and is only informing you on each main character reflecting the instability of the camera. The camera also zooms in on the drill that is shown,signifying that this has a greater purpose in the film that is being told. The camera pans around the whole playground from character to character allowing the audience to see the environment that the charters live in and represents the idea that someone is watching them.
Editing.There is a clear visual filter applied in the opening title sequence. This together with slow motion gives a clear representation of the characters and the environment they live in. I think the faded sepia affect represents the harsh urban life the characters live.
Mise-en-scene. Students are the main personas shown in the title sequence and there is a clear contrast between 'bad' and 'good'students. The good students are seen clearly obeying the dress code by dressing accordingly whereas the 'bad' students are seen with hooped earrings,abrupt colorful trainers undone collars and so on. This is done to represent social groups and to show a separation between the good and bad people in the story. The story kicks of with boys playing football in their school playground,representing the urban atmosphere. Boys wearing hoodies and on BMX bikes also represents this urban atmosphere also.
Sound. One thing that i profoundly picked up on was the exaggerated use of profanity. The use of profanity was prominent and this again is to represent the urban environment they live in. This was also done through the use of 'slang' terms and urban accents.
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