Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Production: Blog Task 49 - Blogging Health Check 3

This was the feedback from my teacher on my blog posts:

"Hi Seren

Just in case you haven't seen it on promonitor, here is your feedback from blogging health check 3 which was done over half term.

Well done Seren you’ve made a huge improvement since the last blogging health check. Your posts are of good quality and demonstrate your careful thought and reflections during filming and editing. Your work on characters is particularly detailed. You have also clearly thought about how you are presenting your posts, although this could be more varied.
You still need to show more work on real title sequences that have influenced you. Post your thoughts on the supernatural teen films that you have watched, or anything else that has given you an idea. Think about if there are any macro or micro features in these examples that you have used.
You also need to think about the institutions that are producing and distributing your film. Are they independent or mainstream? How will this affect your title sequence? Write a blog post discussing this.
You should also post the feedback from your first rough cut and outline the steps that you are going to take to improve your work. 

Let me know if you have any questions

After looking at my feedback I can see that I need to improve more, even though i have made a slight improvement. After having my feedback i am going to look at real title sequences which have already influenced me which are similar to the genre/theme of my film which is supernatural. I will attempt to look at the macro and mirco features as well as posting the feedback from my first/second feedback which i have completely forgotten to do due to filming as the deadline is really close. After looking at my feedback i know what to improve on and i will do my best to complete all the tasks set by my teacher to improve my work and my blogging. 

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