Friday, 6 March 2015

Production: Early Start and The Stressful Finish of our Film (Reflection 06/03/2015)

Yesterdays expected schedule didn't go to plan. We had to vacate from the sixth form at 5.00pm sharp and this cut back our editing time.As a result of this Me and Seren organised to complete our film at 8am in the morning.Not expecting substantial progress but at least lessening the work we had to do at lunch time. Nevertheless with Me and Seren racing against time achieved quite a lot. The sound needed a few filters and the audio we created needed to fade in and out upon arrival and exit. I completed this whilst waiting for Seren. On Serens arrival we edited the titles which were scattered around our timeline and made the duration of them smaller so they would flow at the same time as our footage. With a few issues that were solved with the help of the IT technician , such as having difficulties moving our croplines,me and Seren completed our film with the exception of adding the 'BFI'  logo and removing the excess background noise in one of the clips

While everything seemed to be going well it was devastating to find out that mine and Serens work had been in vain and to Lindseys dismay,who came to meet us at lunching, her editing time was cut as we were faced with 3 huge dilemmas. Whilst we had our title sequence including our names as 'director, producer and music composer etc (as we all took on each of these roles) we were informed that this was not allowed. 'fake names where supposed to take the place of the crew and our names weren't allowed to appear twice. This was very frustrating as we had planned and created our titles early in production,in the middle of research/planning in fact. The more frustrating thing is that we weren't informed earlier on in the process of this film that the titles were to be made up and not include our name.

I know it is not right to use music that you yourself  didn't create on your own production but i didn't know if we were to use this we would be penalised for it. If i was strictly told this at the beginning of this process then i would not have went ahead and added the 'Gravity' soundtrack to our film . Another frustrating issue was the fact we were also not informed about  the website which held the copyright free music only when faced with the issue of trying to find a replacement soundtrack me and my group were informed about this which we were very frustrated about. which . Having said that i solely take credit as we as media students are supposed branch out and explore other forms of media and in the future prior to production ill now know to research copyright free music websites.

Our music dilemma really offset our track to finishing our film. Although immediately Lindsey had found an alternative , we both had second thoughts as to whether it would be suitable for the whole duration of our whole film or not so whilst Seren sorted out the titles issue me and Lindsey search for a better alternative for at least more that 30 minutes. This was a considerable amount of time considering the fact it was lunchtime and Me and Seren had to attend another lesson.We couldnt find a better alternative even after the IT technician told us about the website 'creativecommons'. As a result we went with the soundtrack Lindsey chose initially which is still satisfactionary.

Amid all of these problems Serens computer crashed whilst adding the titles and editing our footage.As result we kept having to render and undo all of  our action. This wasted time + the time it took to find an ideal soundtrack really set us back completing our film

Having got permission from my History teacher at 1.20 to skip the first half of my lesson in order to meet the deadline for 4pm I stayed to continue to edit. We attempted to add the BFI logo into our sequence as we felt needed a distributor,though Lindsey done this alone as when we tried this as a group it looked very tacky in our time line.At around 2.00 our time line was coming together but we faced the issue of the sound not flowing easily into the film.. Lindsey had cleverly altered the voice over issues but i had to sort out the issue of the soundtrack. This took me a long time to do as the IT technician had placed filters and transitions on the gravity soundtrack and altered some settings in order to make it flow,and i tried to replicate this. Though taking approximately 10 minutes I had successfully recreated what they did and completed our sound

I had to go off to my lesson as my teacher requested so Lindsey and Seren were left to add th finishing touches. They successfully finished our film and I am both relieved and satisfied it is finished.

-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

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