Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Production:Final Filming and Last Minute Editing (Reflection 04/03/2015)

Today after college we filmed the last scene we needed where Eznho (Jakubs character) has a brief encounter with Abby (Lindseys character). It was the remaining piece of footage that we needed to complete our film. Today however we faced many issues which disturbed our filming of the last scene. Due to the weather we had a lengthy debate as to where we should film and it was even considered not filming the scene at all. In addition to this the camera wasn't suitable to film in the current lighting as it was very sunny outside. After the sun had gone down we went ahead and filmed the scene. Switching the camera between me and Seren we filmed over the shoulder shots of both Lindsey and Jakub ,It took several takes as once again many externalities affected the scene. People kept walking around where we were filming and a student from the Sixth form even disrupted our filming! After several takes we got the footage we needed,however when we wanted to film one more take on the scene our camera battery ran out and since we aren't using the college camera to film we couldn't replace the battery as it belonged to Jakub. Throughout there was alot of giggling coming from our two actors nonetheless we filmed what was needed

After filming at around 4 we went up to edit in the editing suite in the college.As usual we experienced several issues. Once importing our clips from our cameras SD card into our video drive our Mac crashed. We had to restart it and load our footage and work from another Mac. We encountered many issues whilst editing. We placed crop lines in our timeline but when played it  back on our canvas the crop lines were removed.Whilst Jakub done some extra blogging me,Lindsey and Seren went ahead and continued to edit. We were torn on how the sequence would play out as when we put the clips together the sequence appeared jumpy and unprofessional. Personally i feel that the scene should've been filmed in one perfect take with no fault and then we could've used this without  having to keep cutting and editing footage from several clips which makes the film jumpy and unprofessional.

In addition to camera work I also took pictures to show evidence of filming which is posted in a separate blog on Serens FLICKR account.

Here is a preview of what we done today
-Ogochukwu Anokwuru

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