Myself and Ogo arrived to college at 8am to try and complete our film. We knew we wasn't going to get a lot done, but get done enough so that editing could be more easy when we came back to do it at lunch. Racing against time me and Ogo did achieve a lot in the hour we was editing. I edited the title credits which were placed on the moving image, as they were scattered around our timeline, after sorting that out i put all of the title credits in line so it could look professional and more similar to all the other title credits i've researched. Both me and ogo made the duration of the title credits smaller, so that they can be in time with our footage. We did have some issues with the crop-lines, we solved these with the help of the IT technicians. Both myself and Ogo completed our film, except from adding the Logo of BFI, and removing the background noise in one of the clips.
After all of our lessons were finished, myself, Lindsey and Ogo came back to edit our final footage. We found out that our title credits can only include our name once. We repeated our name several times e.g. as 'directors, editors, music composers etc' we included all of our names for these positions as we were not informed on not to do this and that it wasn't allowed. We were informed by my friend that we actually had to include fake names into the positions of 'director' etc. This was really frustrating as we got all of the title credits sorted out and placed it on our timeline. It was very frustrating because we sorted the title credits out in the early production and research stage. So i went ahead and created new title credits and deleted all of the old ones which were placed on our timeline. Once i finished creating the title credits on the software Motion, i opened the software Final Cut Pro to place the new title credits, as i was doing this my mac computer crashed and then shut down, I think this was due to us keep on rendering our footage to watch it back, this really wasted time. I set up again on a new mac computer and re-did the same process until all of the new title credits were placed properly on our opening title sequence.
One of the major issues we had was the soundtrack. We found out that we was not allowed to use the soundtrack from 'Gravity' because of the copyright. Another thing which we found out on the day of the deadline was that there was a website full of copyright free soundtracks, Ogo and Lindsey went ahead finding a new replacement soundtrack which, we could include it in our opening title sequence. Finding a new soundtrack was not as a big of a issue as we had a few back-ups which we previously researched in our planning stage. After 30 minutes of researching Lindsey found a better alternative which we included in our movie.
I had a lesson after lunch, however i went to my sociology teacher and explained everything to her about the deadline of our movie and she gave me permission to stay an extra 1 hour and 30 minutes to help and complete our movie. So me, Lindsey and Ogo stayed back to edit and complete our film.
We attempted to add the BFI logo as our film is an independent movie which meant that we needed more than one distributor. By 2 o'clock our opening title sequence was coming together. We however still had a problem with ogos scene as the moving image and the voice over were not syncing. We called the IT technician to help us, as it was busy he told us what to do. Once we knew what to do Lindsey went ahead and altered the voice both on her scene and ogos scene.
After everything was done Ogo went back to her lesson and I stayed behind with Lindsey to do the final touch ups. After all of the challenges we faced we successfully completed our opening title sequence. I also left to go back to my lesson. Lindsey stayed behind and uploaded our movie on Blogger. I am both satisfied and relieved that we completed our opening title sequence in time and that it is completed.
- Seren Esmanoglu
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